Ukrainian Crisis Situational Analysis

Impact Initatives
June 2, 2023
Situational Analysis


This situational analysis concentrates on the sector analysis provided via the national Multi-Sector Needs Assessment led by REACH in the fourth quarter of 2022 along with additional sources covering the same time period. This provides a sectoral analysis of the impact of the conflict, the humanitarian conditions at the end of 2022, and perceived priority needs. More recent data from 2023 is then compared against these findings to examine how the situation has evolved over first few months of 2023.

Cross Sectoral Humanitarian Conditions

The conflict in Ukraine has been escalating for 15 months, leading to widescale damage and massive displacement and restricting access to most basic services and goods with populations in conflict-affected areas, in newly accessible areas and in areas hosting internally displaced people particularly impacted. Attacks on energy infrastructure have further limited access to critical services across the country, with widespread destruction, (especailly in the east of the country), resulting in millions of people being deprived of access to electricity, heat, and water. The lack of financial resources and the high prices of goods and services have contributed to many households struggling to meeting their basic needs, leaving a large part of the population heavily dependent on humanitarian assistance.

The HNO estimates that 17.6 million people in Ukraine are in need of assistance, representing close to 40% of the population of the country. Among those, over 4 million are children. The MSNA conducted by REACH by the end of 2022 shows that overall, the protection and livelihood sectors accounted for the highest proportion of households needs. Geographically, the highest needs were recorded for households residing in the east and in the south of the country. Households with members having a disability, displaced households, households with members aged over 60 years, returnee households and female-headed households were also more likely to face extreme levels of needs (REACH MSNA 02/03/2023, OCHA 15/02/2023).

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