Data analysis for informed response and preparedness

By delivering timely, accurate, and credible data analysis, we provide key insights and a comprehensive understanding of complex humanitarian situations. We offer an opportunity to better identify historic trends and patterns, supporting a more confident exploration of possible futures, and driving informed decision-making in humanitarian crises.


High-quality and joint humanitarian data analysis

Our humanitarian data analysis empowers locally-led and principled humanitarian action. This is achieved through close contact with field-level operational partners during the remote analysis process and, where needed, field deployments of DFS’ team.

Demand-driven data analysis across the humanitarian spectrum

We conduct analysis encompassing risks, sudden onset and protracted crises. Our analysts utilise evolving techniques and cutting-edge technology solutions, such as the Data Entry and Exploration Platform (DEEP) and GANNET.

Bridging human and artificial intelligence in data analysis

We integrate the knowledge of our experienced data analysts with cutting-edge technologies, particularly in the domains of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML). For our partners, this results in a 50% increase in the variety of data sources available for analysis and time saved to focus on their core mission.


Comprehensive Situational Analysis and Thematic Products

We monitor changes over time, track trends, identify population needs and emerging issues, and present qualitative analysis that can facilitate the process of planning in a systematic, strategic, integrated and coordinated manner for humanitarian actors.
See our latest Situation Analysis and Thematic reports:

Rapid Onset Analysis

Our analysts can provide swift and immediate assessment and response to a sudden and unexpected crisis or disaster.

Risk Analysis & Scenario Building

Risk analysis involves identifying potential hazards in humanitarian crises, assessing their likelihood, and evaluating their impact on people, property, infrastructure, services, assets, and the environment. Scenario building complements this by developing plausible future scenarios to anticipate how situations might evolve, enabling proactive planning. Integrating these processes allows organizations to link humanitarian crises with factors like climate and disaster risks, development progress, and systemic resilience, ensuring effective and timely responses.
See our latest Risk Analysis reports:


We built a crisis management platform designed to centralize and simplify access to critical information. Covering specific crises, the Situation Hubs combine a crisis overview dashboard, real-time media monitoring, and automated situation analysis, tackling one of the biggest challenges in crisis response: information overload.
Find out more

Training / Capacity Building

We provide comprehensive guidance on data analysis, helping to gain practical skills in key tools and techniques in order to transform raw data into meaningful insights and empower actors to make data-driven decisions. We provide ad-hoc sessions focused on fundamental tools for humanitarian collaboration and quick decision-making, such as the Data Entry and Exploration Platform (DEEP) and GANNET. Our trainings empower all types of organizations, from local to international and public ones, in using Artificial Intelligence and NLP not only to improve their analysis and use of data in the decision-making process, but also to fasten their processes to do so.
If you want to organize a training with us, please contact us